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Chris Jones

Day 22. Sun 29 Jan. Seaton Carew to Blackhall Rocks.

I changed my day off this week and actually had most of Friday and all of Saturday off. I played at being tourist and had a good look around Hartlepool, I took part in my first ever park run, at which I came last because I walked the 5km !!! Had a lovely Thai meal with John and his wife and ended up in a pub with a live band playing my favourite tunes, loads of 80's Mod and Ska...

After a great weekend off, it was good to be back on the move first thing Monday morning. I quickly nipped over to say goodbye to the girls in The Sea Horse Coffee Box. Who knew there was so much to learn about coffee ?? I certainly didn't but after a crash course, I know a lot more now.

Paul, the Master of St Helens Lodge No 531 joined me before I reached Hartlepool. Paul was a former Royal Navy submariner, he had served a long career in the Royal Navy before serving a second career as a Police Officer so as you can imagine, we had plenty to talk about. We walked for 9 miles and it seemed to fly by as we laughed and exchanged tales.

We parted just south of Blackhall Rocks so Paul could double back to walk home and I continued north leaving the beach for a while.

Before we parted company, Paul suggested I stop in at the Hardwick Hotel in Blackhall for a cuppa, the hotel was owned by a couple of Masons so I'd be made most welcome.

I was made most welcome, Nigel came out to greet me at I approached the hotel and dragged me into the bar. I never got the sniff of a cuppa though, instead he forced me to drink that horrible beer stuff !!! I wouldn't normally drink on a Sunday, what with it being a school night and all but we were having a really good chat so I forced myself so as not to appear to be rude... 😁 These villages along this stretch of coast were former coal mining villages so the stories were fascinating. I knew that the coal mines were often very deep but I had no idea that the tunnels could extend out under the sea for up to 8 miles !!! 😰 incredibly dangerous work and definitely not a job for me.

After an hour of so and one or two halves of beer !!! Nigel very kindly offered me a room for the night which I gratefully accepted.

It was only proper that I enjoy one more half before I nipped over to the local pizza place for some scran. Having hardly eaten a thing all day and after stretching those couple of halves out for the past 6 hours I was starving. The lovely lads in the Pizza Amore allowed me to stand in the warmth of the takeaway to eat the enormous calzone, while we had a fascinating conversation about all sorts of things. The owner, an Iranian gent was extremely well read and highly educated. He even made my calzone look like a huge fish...

A great end to what had been a good day. Lots of interesting conversation and lots more of this incredible Durham generosity.

I didn't do my homework as I was asleep in seconds... it would have to wait until morning and I would no doubt be in trouble for handing in my homework late, again... 🫣

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Feb 01, 2023

When you get up to Newcastle, make time to view the city and walk the bridges . Stunning city


Philip Sander
Philip Sander
Jan 31, 2023

Chris. you are doing great

When you get to Bamburgh look out for the darling of the seas

On your day off you can see the Puffins at Lindesfarne 😀


Andy Bagworth
Andy Bagworth
Jan 31, 2023

Interesting times Chris and again a cracking account of your weekend


Jan 31, 2023

I lived in Peterlee for four years in the 1980's and in fact my youngest daughter was born in Easington so I know the area quite well. You have some interesting coastline ahead of you. Cheers Chris.


Jan 31, 2023

What brilliant people you are meeting Chris. Park run??? Are you totally mad ?? 😉😉

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